Summer games was held in Eskasoni First Nation this past Summer of 2018. People from all different communities in Nova Scotia come to compete in the summer games.
The summer games is meant to inspire youth and adults to not only believe in themselves, but to achieve their dreams, play sports and most importantly have fun! It offers all First Nation communities the ability to share and learn Mi'kmaw culture and traditions.
Some of our UNSM staff competed in the games, Douglas Brown the Executive Director of UNSI competed in the games for pool and they won gold for the teams and silver for singles 8 ball, WAY TO GO!
Another is Wasuwek Googoo, part of the IGDP team was also involved in the games as well, she was in the slow pitch We'koqmaq team and they went undefeated and ended up with gold, WAY TO GO! She was also in the Women's tug-of-war and they won bronze, Good Job!
We would like to applaud and congratulate everyone that competed in the games, it takes a lot of effort and time and I'm glad everyone had a great time!
Wasuwek Googoo, Chief Rod Googoo and Rayana Googoo: Waycocomagh beat Potlotek for the slow pitch gold medal.