First Nations Community Survey

The First Nations Community Survey (FNCS) is a unique initiative designed to provide a more holistic view of First Nations communities and allow First Nations the ability to explore the relationship between community level factors and individual well-being.

Founded in 2005, the FNCS is conducted by the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC), a non-profit First Nations organization, in collaboration with its Regional Partner organizations (representing 10 provinces and two territories).

More about the First nations community survey

The FNCS was created as a companion to FNIGC’s First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) and First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education, and Employment Survey (FNREEES, or REEES), and surveys select First Nations communities about a series of 12 themes, which represent the range of issues their community faces.

Unlike the RHS or REEES, which interviews thousands of people living in hundreds of First Nations communities in an effort to produces national averages, the FNCS is a targeted online survey that asks select community members a series of questions about real-world factors, ranging from shelter, infrastructure and housing to education, employment and social services.When taken with results from the RHS and the REEES, the FNCS offers a rare and valuable look at life in First Nations communities that can be used to advocate for change.

For example, the information collected in the FNCS will help First Nations communities understand how factors like a safe clean water system, a community centre, or a First Nations-run school can have positive impacts on the health and well-being of their people.

Download the most recent FNCS Report:

Report of the 2008/10 RHS Community Survey

Prepared by the First Nations Information Governance Centre